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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

E-MAIL ????

It's about a connection between one to another one.Communication requires a sender, a message, and an intended recipient.There are three most popular type of internet comunication are  E-MAIL,SOCIAL NETWORKING,BLOG&WIKI

i very interesting to share about e-mail because e-mail seems very important!!!

message arrive so late!!!

oh!e-mail is better
  • Email has changed the way we do businees.Sure, people complain
    about the amount of Email they receive. But when all is said
    and done, using Email has impacted business in a positive way
    and has the edge over other methods of communication.
  • transference of electronic message throught internet.
  • Email is Fast. mail is delivered instantly...from your office to anywhere in
    the world. No other method of delivery can provide this service.
    Timely buying and selling decisions can be made in a heartbeat
  • Managing Email is Easy ,you can manage all your correspondence on screen and so can your
    customers. Your proposal can be answered, revised, stored, and
    sent to others, all without reams of paper involved.
  • e-mail system more advanve from day to change from only basic text messages to many type of file such as photo,and attachment
as example:

we can share to everyone any type of photo like above


very cool guy...
  • microsoft outlookexpress& mozilla thunderbird is the most widely used emails program .

  • 3 basic element
-adrees persons sending.receiving,2 basic part--a)username
-subject;line description use to present the topic of message
-attachment;allow user to attach files such as documents and image will appears on attachment much long  a file,don't worry because email can do efficient ways.

examlpe of e-email
-the letter come next.this is the contain of e mail to tell something
-the e-mail is more important today

-provide additional information about the sender
-it includes the sender's name,adreess,and telephone number

      WHAT IS SPAM???
Standing for, "Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography And Marketing Act of 2003".
Spam is unwelcome mail.spam is indeed distraction & nuisance,it also can be dangerous.Because of the very low cost of sending email, spammers can send hundreds of millions of email messages each day over an inexpensive Internet connectionThe usefulness of email is being threatened by four phenomena: email,bombardment, spamming, phishing, and email worms.Computer virus or distructive program are often attached to unsolicited e-mail.

  • 1
The first step is to create several e-mail accounts. Save 1 for communication with just your friends, family, co-workers etc. Set up a 2nd account for joining web sites, signing up for offers, buying things online. This way you can keep your first account mostly clear of spam.
  • 2
    The second step is to uncheck the email solicitations box whenever you join a website or sign up for a newsletter. When you join web sites or newsletters this box is usually checked so you will start to receive these emails. Always make sure to uncheck this box, this will save you from a lot of headaches and unwanted mail in the future.

  • 3
  • The third step is systems are relatively inexpensive and can cut down the number of spam e-mails tremendously(as well as protecting your computer from viruses, malware, etc) to have security software running on your computer. 

-A more effective method to identify and eliminate spam is called spam blockers

spam protection
spam blocker

Email is an Internet marketing tool that is fast, easy to use,
inexpensive and effective. Email levels the playing field
between the big corporations and small businesses. No longer
is it just the big boys who have the resources to access the
big advertising houses. Anyone can get their word out there
using Email as the method of delivering the message.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Internet, The Web and and Electronic commerce

Nowadays, the internet are likely known and used by people in the world. Lot of information are shared to global, that the information can get by a click. Millions of people also connected by internet. they are connected through social web, email, and so on. People can share idea and information on the web an the internet will moves it to around the world.
Internet are quite easy to use and find any information or share the information and the idea just for a few second. About millions people are using the internet and the whole word are using it. that the internet are the fastest way to access and get any information..
Before the internet are exist, we are just using letter and need more time to arrived to the person, the information are find through the newspaper, book or letter...

the internet & the web

the origin;
- launched at 1969  from US funded project of National computer network called Advance
 Research Project Agency Network (ARPANET)
-World Wide Web in CERN was introduced year 1991.. (the year of creator birth)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Information Technology,The Internet,& You


- Computer competency refers to acquiring computer-related skills-indispensable tools.They include how to effectively use popular application packages and the Internet.
- Fives parts of an information system : 
     1) People 
     2) Procedures
    3) Software
    4) Hardware
    5) Data
- Computer competency is important because :
      1. Microcomputers are common tools in all areas of life.
      2. New forms of learning have developed. (e.g. Web learning, Wed courses )
      3. New ways to communicate, find people with similar interest, and buy goods are available.
         (e.g. e-Bay, Facebook )


- A system is a set of interrelated parts( there are 5 of them) that work together to enable people to accomplish tasks more effectively by providing access to data.” (Beekman, Quinn, 2008, pg. 432). Examples, an e-mailing system (vs. snail mail), an e-learning UTM.

1.) People
     - An essential part of the system.
     - The purpose of imformation systems is to make people, or end users like you, more productive.
     - Contact with IS :
         a. Directly (Obvious; using Microsoft Word)
         b. Indirectly (on-line listening to music, medical scans)
     - Computers are used in Business, Entertainment, Education & Medicine.
     - Features that help you become computer competent and knowledgeable :
         a. Making IT work for you ( interesting and practical applications )
         b. Tips (variety of suggestions)
         c. Careers in IT ( job descriptions,employment demands, educational requirements,e.g )
         d. Computing essentials web site ( integrates the textbook with information on the Web )

2.) Procedures
     - Rules or guidelines for people to follow when using software, hardware, and data.
     - Example : To access the UTM e-learning system,you need to key-in your name and       password,click on  the file icon to download files

3.) Software
     - A program consists of the step-by-step instructions that tell the computer how to do its work.
     - Another name for programs.
     - Convert data (unprocessed facts) into information (processed facts)
     - 2 major kinds of software :  i.) System software (not a single program but a collection of  
                                                   program, consists operating systems, utilities, and device drivers)
                                                  ii.) Application software(end-user software,consists 2 major
                                                   categories which are Basic Application and Specialized Applications )

4.) Hardware
     - Consists of electronic devices that can follow instructions, accept input, process, and produce
     - Types of computers :
            i. Supercomputer (e.g. earthquake simulation )
           ii. Mainframe computers (e.g. insurance company)
          iii. Minicomputers (midrange, e.g. production department)
          iv. Microcomputer (least powerful, most widely used, e.g. desktop, notebook or laptop, tablet
                                        PC, handheld )

    - There are 4 categories of hardware devices :
         i.) System unit (electronic circuitry, e.g. microprocessor,RAM)
        ii.) Input/Output devices (e.g. keyboard,monitors)
       iii.) Secondary storage ( e.g. hard disks, flash memory cards )
       iv.) Communication devices (e.g. modem )

5.) Data
     - Raw, unprocessed fact
     - Processed data becomes information
     - Stored electronically in files : Document




Connectivity and The Internet
 - Sharing of information
 - Wireless communication has widespread use
 - Computer networks connected communication system of computers
 - Largest network in the internet