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Saturday, March 26, 2011


Systems design consists of 3 tasks..
  • Designing alternative systems
  • Selecting the best system 
  • Writing a systems design report

    I will guide you
    in order
    to make you easy to

    Please try to look at this below illustration..

    This is just to make
    you easier to keep in your mind
    how this systems design


    How to design the alternative systems??

    For a beginning, 
    you need to evaluate each alternative systems 
    for feasibility..

    In this case,
    it includes of 
    economic, technical and operational feasibility.. 

    You must not familiar with these terms..
    similar also with me..
    I had already found theirs meaning
    from the Computing2010 website..
    Since the Computing2010
    is the main source
    where i can get information
    about this IT subject,
      I need to take advantage
    in using its website
    to get the meaning..

    Now back to the meaning of each of them.

    • Economic feasibility
    Justifying the costs of a new system
    to the benefits it promises.  

    • Technical feasibility
    Making sure hardware, software, and training
    will be available
    to facilitate the design
    of a new system.

    • Operational feasibility
    Making sure the design
    of a new system
    will be able to function
    within the existing framework
    of an organization.

    After you had come up with those feasibility,
    now you need to
    Selecting the best system

    The selected system must be able being modified or changed over time, flexible enough, fit in with the organization's overall system, and benefits worth the costs.

    Lastly, you need to

    write the systems design report 

    by include the costs and benefits of
    all the alternatives and
    recommend proceeding alternative.

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