more information


Wednesday, March 23, 2011


There are many advantages in having databases..

1st, sharing information..
Information from one department can be readily shared with others..
In example, your id/matric card number..
In the cip, there are stored information and background about you.
The card is use in order to when need to be used such as when you want to enter a library..

2nd, for a security..
Users are given passwords/access only to the kind of information they need..
Thus, only the related department may have access to those information..other department may not..

3rd, less data redundancy..
Without a common database, individual department have to create and maintain their own data and data redundancy..
What is the data redundancy??

It is a common database problem in which data is duplicated and stored in different files.

4th, for the data integrity.. 
It is a database characteristics relating to the consistency and accuracy of data.

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